Deepen the conversation

Following is what I learned in facilitating 3 short T-Group sessions this weekend.

One with burning man friends at the decompression party. – 45 minutes

One with TOPPA career networking panel. – 1.5h

One with the 706 empty living room event. – 2h

Give short and brief concept introduction.

  • 5 levels of communication
  • The relational feedback model
    • When you said/did X
    • I feel Y (or sensation), and intention/need
    • PAUSE
      • paraphrase what you heard
      • PAUSE
  • Distribute 90 words feeling chart

Guide a grounding exercise

  • Deep breath
  • What you hear? What’s your sensation?

Then start the T-Group

Be present, give care, pick up details that touches me. See and hear people.

  • The details could be what people said, or some small gestures, facial expressions that triggers your curiosity, feelings.

If students have a hard time identify their feelings, guide them to focus on sensation.

  • How is your heart beat now?
  • Do you feel any parts of your body? any pain? expansion? contraction?
  • Are you sweating?
  • heaviness?

When students show vulnerability, respond to it, hold it.

When students share feelings, respond to it, hold it, highlight it.

When students ask questions, or share a long story, highlight the feeling part, and ask their intention.

The first 20ish minutes are really important. It is the key period to build a safe environment.

Trust the process

slides, relational feedback tool. Give care to others, ready to be influenced. Trust the process. It works.

I do not own the truth. I meet where they are. And invite them, to feel the call of the truth. I just let the truth pass through myself, and let others see it.

Who is showing up? what’s important to you? who is here(the heart)?

Ask yourself, who is showing up? what’s important here?

  • is it someone who want to be correct?
  • is it someone who want to over shine others?
  • is it someone who want to give care?
  • is it someone who is ready to be influenced?

When being challenged in the group

What’s important to me is to connect with you.

Acknowledge their courage to challenge you (as a facilitator), invite them to share more about their feelings.

格式塔疗法(Gestalt Therapy)和人本主义心理学都是心理治疗中的重要流派,它们都强调个体的主观体验和自我觉察。接下来我会介绍它们的基本原理以及可以应用在T-Group中的具体技巧。

1. 格式塔疗法(Gestalt Therapy)





  1. “此时此刻”体验(Here and Now)
    • 原理:格式塔疗法非常强调当下的体验。它认为只有通过意识到当下的情感、身体感受和想法,个体才能充分体验和解决内在冲突。
    • 技巧:在T-Group中,你可以引导学员不断回到当下,询问他们此时此刻的情绪或身体感觉。比如:“你现在感觉到什么?”“当你说这些话的时候,身体有什么反应?”
    • 示例:学员可能表达愤怒或焦虑,你可以让他们深入探索这种感受,比如:“愤怒在哪里?它在你的身体中是什么样的?如果它可以说话,它会说什么?”
  2. “空椅子”技术(Empty Chair Technique)
    • 原理:这个技术用于帮助学员与自己未解决的情感或人际关系进行对话。通过与“空椅子”上的虚拟对象对话,学员可以更直接地面对和表达自己的情感。
    • 技巧:你可以让学员想象对面椅子上坐着某个人(比如他们与之有冲突的人)或者是自己未被表达的情绪,然后鼓励他们对着空椅子说话,表达内心深处的感受。
    • 示例:学员可能对父母有未表达的愤怒或失落。你可以让他们对着空椅子上的“父母”说出这些感受,从而释放压抑的情绪。
  3. “未完成的事情”(Unfinished Business)
    • 原理:格式塔疗法认为个体有许多未完成的情感或冲突,这些未完成的部分会影响其当前的生活体验。
    • 技巧:在T-Group中,你可以引导学员们回顾那些未被解决的情感体验,帮助他们在群体中表达和处理这些“未完成的事情”。
    • 示例:你可以问:“你现在有什么事情还没有表达出来?这些未表达的部分对你来说意味着什么?”

2. 人本主义心理学(Humanistic Psychology)


人本主义心理学的核心思想是,人类拥有自我实现的内在潜力,关键是要创造一个无条件积极关注、共情和真诚的环境,使个体能够自由地表达自己,探索自我,并朝着自我实现的方向发展。**卡尔·罗杰斯(Carl Rogers)来访者中心疗法(Client-Centered Therapy)**是人本主义心理学的经典代表。



  1. 无条件积极关注(Unconditional Positive Regard)
    • 原理:带领者无条件地接纳学员,提供不带评判的关怀和尊重,帮助学员感受到安全和支持。
    • 技巧:在T-Group中,你可以通过无条件接纳每一位学员的表达,无论他们的感受或言论是什么。避免评判或纠正,而是以开放、接纳的姿态回应。
    • 示例:如果某个学员表达了负面的情绪或困惑,避免给出建议或批评,而是表达理解和支持,比如:“我能感受到你此刻的挣扎,这些感受是非常重要的。”
  2. 共情(Empathy)
    • 原理:共情是深刻理解并感知他人的情感和内在世界。这使得学员能够感受到自己被理解和看见。
    • 技巧:在T-Group中,使用共情反映学员的情感。你可以通过重复、总结或扩展学员的表达,来展示你对他们内心感受的理解。
    • 示例:学员可能说:“我觉得这里没人理解我。”你可以回应:“你觉得自己被忽视了,似乎感到孤单和失联,这一定很难受。”
  3. 真实和一致性(Congruence)
    • 原理:作为带领者,你需要在表达上保持一致,真实地回应学员的互动。当你真实地表达自己的感受时,你会鼓励学员也以同样的方式与他人互动。
    • 技巧:在T-Group中,保持真实的态度。如果你对某个学员的感受有回应,可以诚实表达。你也可以分享自己在小组中的情感体验,作为一种示范。
    • 示例:如果某个学员的表达触动了你,可以说:“我听到你这么说时,心里也感受到一些共鸣。”

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